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It’s been a long time since I last set a goal for the new year. Goals don’t work for me, I know that, so I’d rather set intentions, and hope my health and mental health let me go in that direction.

In any case, I’ve long since decided that intentions are not set in stone—they can change as I change, and it’s no big deal. Instead of forcing myself in a way that does not fit with my ideas and my life anymore, I’d rather zig and zag as I wish… and feel happy.

For 2024, I’ve chosen a few intentions for each category in my life. They are what matters to me right now. I accept that it might not be the case tomorrow. And I accept the fact that I might not succeed—every step in the right direction is a win for me.


All categories are important, but this one is really close to my art. It’s about creativity, hobbies, and passion. Here’s what I want to aim toward in that category for the next year:

  1. Have fun blogging here and creating stuff for The NeuroArtystik Way
  2. Dive into all my passions, old and new, without any guilt—like wool carding, for example!
  3. Find satisfaction in creating what comes to me, instead of immediately focusing on making money with my art—money will come in after the creation process
  4. Devour more culture—read more books, watch more movies and TV shows, listen to more music, collect more art


Divitiae is all about having enough resources, earning money, and paid work. I have chosen these four items that seem important to me right now:

  1. Finish paying our car
  2. Do the best job I can at writing articles for a living
  3. Become an entrepreneur
  4. Create resources for the NeuroArtystik Way—illustrations, books, etc.


In Domum, I categorize everything about our home and any administrative tasks necessary to daily life—that doesn’t mean it all has to be about admin papers and cleaning duties, though!

  1. Get a bigger aquarium for the Artelier, and thus more fish and shrimps!
  2. Finish all the admin tasks looming over me
  3. Take over meal prep and cooking tasks as often as possible
  4. Get our home organized, optimized, and cozy


Being someone with chronic illnesses due to stress, and type 2 diabetes, I really feel the need this year to make progress on being healthier in various ways:

  1. Get more movement in my daily routine (stretching, walking, rollerskating)
  2. Go to the dentist and doctor as much as needed
  3. Make sure I eat correctly, but without dieting
  4. Get the courage to go back to the hairdresser despite social distancing lax by other people and have my hair dyed blue once more


I’m neurodivergent, and happy on my own, and yet I crave connection. With my family, with my friends, and with the world. Getting out there is a big effort for me, not gonna lie—but probably worth it in the end:

  1. Spend time with my loved ones
  2. Get better at keeping in touch with the people I love—maybe even via snail mail
  3. Be more present online, but in a way that makes sense to me
  4. Find sustainable ways to help other people


My ex used to tell me that, at 30 years old, my life was over now, and I should just take care of the kids. Well, fuck him and the narcissism he rode on. I will never stop investing in myself—in my mental health, as well as my education:

  1. Learn Japanese, at least enough to decipher, write and pronounce Hiragana
  2. Work through The Artist’s Way
  3. Use my Domestika and Skillshare subscriptions at least once per month
  4. Prioritize my mental health and say no to what doesn’t serve me

I can fail at goals (and oh boy, did I fail at them over the years, overenthusiastic that I am), but I can never fail at intentions. With intentions, every step is an achievement. Every new progress is an accomplishment.

Goals are an unsustainable side-effect of hustle culture—as a neurodivergent, chronically ill person, I have distanced myself from all of this and try to remind myself to fling any ableist thought into the sun as soon as I recognize them.

Intentions are better for my mental health. I hope you try them as well in this new year.

Oh, and if you’re wondering what all those categories are, why, and how I am using them, check out Rachael Stephen’s genius Constellation System.